Recent breakthroughs in how accurately software can recognize
images and speech came thanks to additional computing power behind a
technique known as deep learning. Microsoft now reports progress on an
idea that could put even greater muscle behind the technique. A
practical way to power up deep learning software even more could lead to
further significant advances in the intelligence of machines.
Deep learning software learns to make sense of data using rough simulations of biological neurons (see “10 Breakthrough Technologies 2013: Deep Learning”).
One priority for companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Facebook
investing in the technology is finding ways to train larger networks of
neurons with larger collections of training data, by running the
software on more powerful computers.
Using graphics processors, known as GPUs, has proven to be one of
the best ways of doing that. But their price and high electricity
consumption makes GPUs costly even for large companies. “It’s very
expensive and challenging to build, maintain, and scale out your own
training platform,” says Eric Chung,
a researcher at Microsoft. Systems of GPUs used for deep learning are
generally “small to medium” compared to the scale of the groups of the
computers that work together to power online services, he says.
Chung is part of a project investigating a possible route to
running deep learning at much greater scale. The idea is to use FPGAs,
field-programmable gate arrays, chips that can be reconfigured to
implement any design and that can be very power-efficient. Microsoft
began using FPGAs to power parts of its Bing search engine last year,
and reported it was testing their use to power the virtual neurons of
deep learning in February.
Chung says that the research has now advanced to using some of the most
powerful FPGAs available, and that it looks like a practical way to
deliver a major boost to the power of deep learning. Microsoft is using
FPGAs made by Altera, a company that chip maker Intel bought in June for
$17 billion, citing the potential for such chips to make corporate data
centers more powerful.
Even at what Chung called the “prototyping” stage, the team found a
nearly tenfold increase in the performance of a neural network
attempting to identify images, compared to conventional computers
without GPUs. “It could be a game-changer if we eventually manage to
deploy FPGAs widely at scale, which will provide an aggregate capability
that exceeds what’s possible today,” he says.
Using FPGAs does come with drawbacks, for example the work that
has to be done to program them to do the work at hand. But Chung
predicts the technique will allow training of neural networks of
“unprecedented size and quality.”
That might help lead to improvements in things like software that can describe the content of images (see “Google Software Describes What It Sees in Images”), or understand language and show a form of common sense (“Teaching Machines to Understand Us”). Microsoft’s latest results on using FPGAs were presented at the Hot Chips conference on advances in processor performance in Cupertino, California, on Tuesday.
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